AI for Reading Centers

Revolutionize your medical research with AI

Benefits of AI for Reading Centers

  • Quality control

    No errors in image interpretation

  • Less money spent

    With AI for reading centers, grading is fast and less expensive

  • Accurate quantification

    No human bias, better reputation

  • Increased efficiency

    Improving the reading centers workflow

  • No time wasted

    No more hours spent at a computer screen

Awards and video review

Our proficiency is proved by reputable organizations

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  • Real stories on our products

    Eye care specialists speak about us

  • Marta Shchur

    Medical Director at Luxzir

    Altris AI helps our eye care specialists to avoid mistakes and feel more confident with diagnostic decision-making. Definitely less guessing! Moreover, the examination goes faster so we can now have more patients.

  • Christina Chan

    OD, Komoka Optometry Shop Owner

    Altris Education OCT is a great app I don't use it enough!

  • Mauro Budini


    Altris Education OCT is a very good app.There is plenty of cases and each one is well described. I find really useful that you can highlight each sign which is mentioned in the image description, so you can easily understand what it is.

  • Oleksandra Zemliak

    Ophthalmologist at Luxvision

    Altris Education OCT is a great helpful app for any ophthalmologist!

Read all testimonials

How it Works

Altris AI for reading centers ensures data consistency

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Altris AI for reading centers allows organizations to provide a standardized and objective assessment of the studied images. 

Our system is trained on the biggest clinical dataset of 5 mln OCT scans collected in 11 ophthalmic clinics throughout the years.

As human resources can be expensive, AI makes the image interpretation process faster and cheaper and excludes human bias or potential errors. AI for reading centers harnesses the power of algorithms to facilitate the success of clinical trials.

AI for Clinical Trials


Reading centers play a crucial role in conducting clinical trials and often contribute to the success of the analysis. To perform proper image grading, reading centers must adhere strictly to the established standard operating procedures. However, sometimes the grading process can be extremely costly and time-consuming.

With the vast amount of images that graders have to process, grading becomes even more complicated.

With Altris AI for reading centers, no time is wasted on non-pathological scans, as they are quickly differentiated from pathological OCT scans. Altris system provides users with the detection of 70+ pathologies and pathological signs with 91% accuracy.



A key aspect of clinical research is adherence to good clinical practice guidelines and relevant regulations in the country of practice. Due to the large number of scans that need to be interpreted, graders may miss some pathologies. Our algorithm excludes any biases and provides an accurate approach. 

With the largest database of various pathological cases, Altris AI for reading centers ensures no pathological signs are missed.

Since each image is graded by an algorithm using standardized grading protocols, there is less variability in the interpretation and fewer errors.


  • High accuracy

    We provide 91% accumulative accuracy of our AI model

  • Integrity of analysis

    Complete adherence to research protocols

  • Exceptional level of assessment

    Error-free labeling of research images

Maria Znamenska

Ph.D. Ophthalmology, Medical Director at Altris

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For a clinic or an optometry: we will show the system to you during 15-minute call and then you will have a free trial to test it yourself.

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